
Amazing resources

Bramfield Park Primary School has beautiful grounds with well-kept gardens and many play areas.

We boast two big undercover areas, a brand new canteen and two purpose-built Arts facilities. The well stocked Library provides an additional indoor learning area for children.

Our school has a full computer laboratory, which is not often found in a primary schooling setting. The lab contains a host of technology and equipment including upgraded computers, projection equipment and cameras.

Pre-primary and Kindergarten children enjoy their own outdoor play area and sandpit with a school garden nearby.

Netball courts, cricket pitch, soccer goals, a large oval and three challenging age-appropriate climbing frames provide opportunities to develop physical motor skills and social skills.

Supporting your child as they grow

There is a high expectation for appropriate behaviour at Bramfield Park, supported by policies in attendance, bullying and behaviour management.

Our whole school community shares the expectation that we have the right to learn in a pleasant, harmonious environment and we have very few behavioural issues. When these do occur, we have effective management techniques.

We embrace a PATHS approach to behaviour management (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) where children are taught to think about alternative ways of reacting to a situation they may find challenging. This is a positive way to teach children how to manage their behaviour.

Our very popular faction competition and Gold Card award system also helps students to understand the idea of reward and recognition for their efforts both in and out of the classroom.

Every year our teacher take part in Protective Behaviour Learning. Here is a very helpful Parent Resource from that learning.

Protective Behaviours Parent Resource