Kindergarten information
This information about Kindergarten is to be used in conjunction with the main School Handbook.
Kindergarten is the start of your child’s education journey and is an exciting milestone for your whole family. For many children, this may be the first time they are away from their parents for an extended period, and so they may feel a range of emotions.
At Bramfield Park PS, our experienced early childhood teachers and education assistants will make your child’s transition from home to school as easy and happy as possible.
Kindergarten school hours
All children enrolled in a Kindergarten program in a Western Australian public school will attend for approximately 15 hours per week. School hours and days vary according to which days your child’s group is allocated.
You will be provided with information regarding your child’s Kindergarten hours at your allocated induction meeting.
Bringing and picking up your child
Please adhere to the school policy regarding bringing and picking up your child. Punctuality is really important. If you are going to be late, please call as soon as possible.
You must tell the teacher if someone other than you is picking up your child.
Bags and equipment
Your child will need to have the following items every day:
- A large bag or backpack to take home art and craft projects. Their bag will help us teach your child about keeping belongings in one place and being responsible for their own property
- A bucket hat (broad brimmed). No caps are allowed as they do not provide adequate sun protection for children’s necks.
- A plastic bottle with water to drink
- One piece of fruit each day (or another healthy snack – see below under “Healthy food and drink”) and
- A full set of spare clothing in their bag every day (in case of accidents and when children are involved in water play) including underwear, shirt, skirt, shorts or trousers and a jacket or jumper.
Please ensure all articles of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Healthy food and drink
In the interest of your child’s dental and physical health, no lollies, sweet biscuits or chocolate are allowed at school. Children will share a healthy snack at fruit time – this is an important part of our social development teaching.
Acceptable foods to send with your child for shared fruit time are:
- Fruit
- Dried fruit
- Vegetables
- Hard boiled eggs
- Cold meats
- Cheese,
- Savory biscuits.
Also please supply a bottle of water.
When packing lunch please ensure food is prepared and packed in a manner that is easy for your child to access.
Please notify staff of any food your child is allergic to or is not to eat, as we do cooking activities occasionally.
“No hat, no play in the sun” policy
We care about your child’s health and safety. Please ensure your child brings a named bucket hat (broad brimmed) to school every day. As with the rest of the school, Kindergarten and Pre-primary children who do not have a hat will have to remain under cover either in the sandpit or on the veranda.
Your child’s birthday
We love birthdays at Bramfield Park PS. We welcome you bringing in a cake or cupcakes and hope you will be able to stay on roster to be part of the celebration.
Parent involvement
Your child will love having you visit and be part of their class, and our parents are welcomed and needed. There are a number of ways you can get involved:
- Assist with parent help roster
- Go with the class on excursions
- Attend parent workshops; attend the school P&C committee meetings
- Volunteering to wash aprons and hand towels
- Share any special skills you have with your child’s class (such as carpentry, weaving, pottery or cooking) and
- Save your ice cream, yoghurt and margarine containers for us. Paper, cardboard, milk and orange juice cartons, tissues boxes, plastic bottles, milk bottle tops, old magazines, cereal boxes etc are all welcome.